Therefore I would call myself short haired.
It is either the length or the color which always needs a makeover on my head, so basically, it is a renewing process every month.
I can feel Linda Evangelista, even though I still have to get out of bed, even if noone pays for me for it, because my little girl Emma is about to be just as awake as me, which means menace to start in the house.
But back to the hair issue, I often admire women, who are happy with their hair from he age of 10 to the age of 99.
Or at least they pretend to be happy with it, and don't want to change it on a daily basis.
I know, that the topic is not new, and it isn't me who invented the wheel.
But, still would love to understand the psychology behind the hair issue.
Why is the hair getting a makeover after every break up, or even after someone dies?
There is even a theory, how should you be cutting your hair to succeed in the work environment. And of course, the blond jokes must have gotten its roots from somewhere.
It is the brunettes' era in the fashion world right now, brown haired models are everywhere. I decided to try out the brown in my hair. Not only I had to re-consider my whole wardrobe, but I began to feel depressed by looking at myself in the mirror.
Is that possible that I'm a born blond to be?
Wardrobe-wise - you know, grey on grey on black on white on black looks awesome on the ash blonde, but rather boring on a brown. Or so as I saw it.
Not a minute more I thought of not coloring back, when my dear hubby addressed his advise to me on a low, sympathetic voice: you look older with this haircolor.
Thank you. By saying this, he really meant: run to the hairdresser, you look fxxking awful.
But he did not mention the length of my hair.... I indeed succeed of not have it cut by the end of September, so it was definitely long, almost to the middle of my back. Or so, if I arched myself in bridge pose. I also loved it so much, by the end of the day, my hair was always in a bun.
So after a month of being back to my favorite blond, I realised, that even though I can finally wear my long missed wardrobe-pieces in white and grey and black, I'm still not happy.
So again, as it was always an answer to every question, I ran again to the hair salon, and have it cut the way it was cut in the 5th grade.
Hard to admit, but at last I feel good, even in this ugly november day.
Except, that of course, I'm having my hair in a ponytail, little as it is, but still in a tail. So much for the new cut.
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